The Challenge

The Quadrant Shopping Centre in Swansea was looking for new entrance matting to combat moisture and dirt brough in by members of the public.

The right entrance matting plays a critical role in the efficient running of a busy shopping centre. IT can reduce the risk of accidents while extending the lifespan of expensive interior flooring. It also looks good and creates an excellent first impression.

An effective matting system will also help to combat all manner of potentially dangerous situations or maintenance problems.

The Solution

Syncros undertook a site survey and consultation to determine what entrance matting solution would be most suitable for the client.

Milliken Obex Forma modular fixed entrance matting was chosen as the most suitable entrance matting solution for the Quadrant Shopping Centre.  As this durable option is easy to look after and ideal for heavy traffic areas.

The Results

Ian Kirkpatrick, Deputy Manager at Quadrant Shopping Centre, explained: “We wanted to replace our well matting because it was not easy to clean or remove and it looked old. The matting that was recommended is very strong, easy to clean and interchangeable.

“The latter has since proved invaluable as badly  soiled tiles can be removed for soaking and replacements easily fitted from our stock of spares. We can also rearrange the tiles to reduce wear rather than have to replace whole mats and, best of all, it all still looks good after two years of use. Everyone has been very complimentary about them.”


Work With Syncros

Syncros have been supplying and installing entrance matting solutions since 1995. With advice, supply, and installation available across the whole of the UK.