Debris Channel

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Debris Channel

EMS has combined their 90% Recycled Aluminium Debris Channel Grid System with the Natural, Sustainable and World renowned Tretford carpet infills. This is a truly unique combination creating an innovative link between British Engineering, the Environment and Design. There is no need to compromise with this luxury matting system!

Tretford carpet infills

90% recycled aluminium base

Bre Global listed: ENP403


Large selection of colours available

Why Choose phs?

Contact us

Dedicated Point Of Contact

Your assigned project manager will manage your project efficiently and on time. Our team are highly knowledgeable with 120+ years combined experience.

Extensive Product Range

We are approved installers of Milliken, INTRAsystems, Nuway Forbo, Jaymart, and Gradus as well as being CSCS registered specifically for entrance matting.

Certified Installation

Fully trained and certified installers employed directly by Syncros with qualifications including Master FESSI, SSSTS, CSCS, and First Aid.

Fully Compliant

Our entrance matting installation team will complete all work in line with current building legislation and health and safety guidance, with all the relevant RAMS to complete specific tasks.

Tailored Support

We will work with your business to advise and ensure you're provided with the best solution for your requirements and budget.

Matting Experts

We know everything there is to know about entrance matting and are passionate about providing our customers with a solution that meets their requirements.

Contact us